Previously The best place to view my work was at one of the regional Arts & Craft shows, that I participate in during the year. But covid 19 has changed all that, all the shows and festivals where canceled for 2020/2021` . So I opened a gallery in Tahoe City. at 351 north lake blvd. the grey building between Alpenglow sports and the Lumber yard.
Up until a few years ago I had shot all my photographs using film cameras, mostly 35mm Nikon on Fuji Velvia slide film. But the digital photography revolution is slowly killing of all the old school methods of photography, although I still shoot slide film occasionally , I have switched to the latest digital Nikon, currently a d850.
For my event photography, I have a separate "Smug Mug" gallery, where event photos may be viewed and purchased. to view these photos select the " Event Photo " the first item in the portfolio section of the menu
Like any brick and mortar gallery, my virtual ones have many different rooms. Each room displays images that I feel should be viewed together. Now these electronic images can give you an idea of what my work looks like. But to realy appreciate their depth of color and clarity, you need to see them in person,
In Tahoe City my " KIWI KAMERA Gallery",this weeks hours, Thursday 1-5, Friday 1-6, Sat 12-6 Sunday 12-5. and by appointment outside of these times. Or you can stop by one of the many public displays to view my work. Just as in a regular gallery, these photographs are for sale, using the "order photo" menu selection. Some images are also available for stock usage.
NOW OPEN ! the Kiwi Kamera Gallery. Downtown Tahoe City, at 351 north lake Blvd, Between Alpeglow & the lumber yard.
current hours, Thursday 1-5 Friday 1-6, Saturday. 12-6, Sunday 12-5. by appointment outside of these hours.
By entering the Kiwi Kamera online photo gallery, you agree to the following conditions: All images ©Garry Moore/Kiwi Kamera, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. No form of reproduction, including copying or saving of digital image files, or the alteration or manipulation of said image files, is authorized unless accompanied by a written sales advice issued by Kiwi Kamera. For information regarding commercial or personal uses, please contact